Sentence dictionary
qua non
in a sentence
causa sine qua non
As far as factual causation was concerned, the court held that the respondent's negligent report on the 1978 financial statements unquestionably constituted a " causa sine qua non " of the...
condicio sine qua non
*"'Condicio sine qua non "'- I agree we should look through the independent sources we can find-here is the list of some independent sources I have found, so please first read all of them ...
conditio sine qua non
Factual causation is established by means of the " but-for " ( or " conditio sine qua non " ) test. This means that more coordination of macroeconomic policies is a conditio sine qua non, ...
condition sine qua non
Respect of signals is an imperative, " condition sine qua non " of safety. As a condition sine qua non, the system would require the full backing of the local money supply, estimated at Rp...
sine qua non
Profane dialogue has become almost a sine qua non of movie scripts. Price is just not the sine qua non of Internet retailing. Keeping ties with best-selling authors is a sine qua non of pu...
non non biyori
The band's 12th single was released on October 30, 2013; the song is used as the opening theme to the 2013 anime series " Non Non Biyori ".
alfonso qua
Almario represented his country at the Soling with Alfonso Qua and Ambrosio Santos as fellow crew members. Qua represented his country at the Soling with Mario Almario as helmsman and Alfo...
castle qua
It is home to several rare species of animal, including roe deer, badgers and red squirrel, as well as the remains of Castle Qua, a medieval structure.
Identification of the pathogen of chieh - qua wilt and its biological characteristics
inductively-coupled plasma qua-ntometer
Inductively - coupled plasma qua - ntometer
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